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One Week in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital : A Chapter of Gratitude

(The picture was taken this evening from the Student Lounge of PKU Muhammadiyah  Gamping   Hospital area where some wards, units, and musholla, i.e. the place to pray, can be seen)      I have spent a week as an internship PharmD student at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital. I have many amazing things to share from these past few days, and I don't even know where to start. I cannot lie that these seven days were exhausting: many assignments to finish, pages of books and articles to understand, and slides to read. Today is the weekend, and I just arrived at my hostel room at 9 pm. I wrote this note by 10.30 pm. I was too tired, and about to go to bed, yet many things disturbed my mind and forced me to be 'popped' in the form of paragraphs. First, thank Allah for putting me where I am right now, along with my parent's unstoppable prayers. I remember that several months ago, I told my mom, "Please pray for me so I can get the chance to have an internship in that hospi

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